Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University held a “Sosialisasi Game Evakuasi SIGAP Merapi Adventure (Simulasi Tanggap Bencana)” workshop on Friday (11/3), collaborating with Kabupaten Sleman and Kapanewon Cangkringan Government.
This workshop was started with “Apel Siaga Relawan Pegiat Kebencanaan” in Kapanewon Cangkringan. The apel was led directly by Dra. Hj. Kustini Sri Purnomo as The Regent of Kabupaten Sleman and attended by at least 125 disaster activist volunteers from various elements.
The “Simulasi Tanggap Bencana” Workshop was part of the research and community service activities of Faculty of Engineering UGM in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, UK. The result of this workshop would be used as an input for the development and improvement of the next research result. The “Merapi SIGAP Adventure” video game could be accessed by the public for free by downloading the app from Google Play Store on Android Smartphone.
During the workshop activity, Ir. Hilya Mudrika Arini, S.T., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, S.T. from the Department of Architecture and Planning UGM explained that the “Evakuasi SIGAP Merapi Adventure” video game that is in development is expected to provide a contribution towards the effort of improving people’s tenacity and minimizing the risk caused by Merapi’s eruption.
(Source: tim SIGAP Merapi Adventure)
PR of DTMI | March 2022