Master Program
Bagi Mahasiswa S2 TM angkatan Ganjil 2017 dan Genap 2016 yang pernah cuti WAJIB melakukan perpanjangan studi dengan syarat mengisi form di link berikut, batas waktu pengumpulan berkas 31 Desember 2019.
Terima kasih.
Kartu ujian bisa diambil mulai hari ini di Administrasi.
Terima kasih
- Pengujian dan Karakterisasi Material
- Teori Pembakaran
- Kontrol Cerdas Buatan
Journal of Materials Processing and Characterization (JMPC) is an international, open-access and peer-reviewed journal aimed to facilitate researchers in disseminating their research works in the field of processing and characterization of engineering materials as well as biomaterials for biomedical applications. The journal is published jointly by Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Centre for Innovation of Medical Equipment and Devices (CIMEDs) UGM.
In general, JMPC covers all the research topics related to the processing (such as material preparations, fabrication techniques, post-processing treatments) and characterizations (such as novel methods for characterization, experimental testing and numerical analyses) of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. To be more specific, the journal covers the following research topics:
- Processing technologies of engineering materials and biomaterials, including casting, solidification, forming, forging, hot and cold-working, machining, powder metallurgy, extrusion, heat treatments, additive manufacturing, welding, and injection moulding.
- Surface treatments of engineering materials and biomaterials, including coatings, shot and grit blasting, anodization, physical and chemical treatments.
- Characterizations of engineering materials and biomaterials, including microstructural analysis, surface characterizations, mechanical testing, electrochemical characterization and tribological testing.
- Failures of engineering materials and biomaterials, including fractures, fatigue, corrosion and wear.
We cordially invite authors to submit their manuscript in English and in the form of either research articles or review papers.