1. Name of University                                      : Universitas Gadjah Mada

2. Education Providers                                     :

                                  Faculty                               : Engineering

                                  Department                      : Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

3. Program is accredited by                             : BAN (Akreditasi A) in 2013

4. Graduate’s Title                                             : Sarjana Teknik (ST)

5. Name of Program                                          : Mechanical Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. Program educational objectives are based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The PEOs of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program are stated as follows.

The Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada prepares its graduates to:

  1. Apply critical thinking, knowledge and skills to solve problems in engineering practices, as well as professional and multidisciplinary challenges in the society.
  2. Engage in leadership roles in their professions.
  3. Progress intellectually through graduate educations or professional development programs.

Student Outcomes (SO)

In order to attain the above PEOs in their future professions, students must acquire certain knowledge, skills, and behaviors as they progress through the study program, which are defined as Student Outcomes. Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.

By the time of graduation, students of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program will have:

A. Core Competencies

  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (Scientific knowledge, ABET SO a)
  2. An ability to design, construct, operate and maintain mechanical engineering related mechanisms and systems (Design skills, ABET SO c)
  3. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (Experimental skills, ABET SO b)
  4. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems (Analytical skills, ABET SO e)
  5. An ability to use computers and software to analyze and solve mechanical engineering problems (Computational skills, ABET SO k)
  6. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice (Modern tools, ABET SO k)
  7. A technical competence in one specific discipline in the mechanical engineering field (Specific competence, ABET SO a, e, k)

B. Supporting Competencies

  1. An understanding of and commitment to professional and ethical responsibility (Professionalism and ethics, ABET SO f)
  2. An ability to communicate effectively in Indonesian and in English, both to other engineers and to the general public (Communication skills, ABET SO g)
  3. An understanding of social, cultural, and economic responsibility, along with an awareness and respect of social and cultural values, health, safety, and environment, and sustainable development principles (Social responsibility, ABET SO c, h)
  4. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (Life-long learning, ABET SO i)

C. Additional Competences

  1. An ability to work effectively as an individual or within a multi-disciplinary and/or multi-cultural team, either as a member or a leader (Teamwork and leadership, ABET SO d)
  2. An understanding of and support for innovative and entrepreneurial activities (Innovation and entrepreneurship, ABET SO j)
  3. A knowledge of contemporary issues (Contemporary issues, ABET SO j)

Table below describes the relationship between the Program Educational Objectives and the Student Outcomes of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program. The mapping shows that a Student Outcome may support the attainment of more than one PEO.

Student Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

1. Apply critical thinking, knowledge and skills to solve problems in engineering practices and other professional and multidisciplinary challenges in the society.

2. Engage in leadership roles in their professions.

3. Progress intellectually through graduate educations or professional development opportunities.

A1. Scientific knowledge




A2. Design skills




A3. Experimental skills




A4. Analytical skills




A5. Computational skills




A6. Modern tools




A7. Specific competence




B1. Professionalism & ethics




B2. Communication skills




B3. Social responsibility




B4. Life-long learning




C1. Teamwork & leadership




C2. Innovation & entrepreneurship




C3. Contemporary issues


