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RINTEK 2021 Ministry of Industry Award is given to two DTMI lecturers.

Dr. Eng. Adhika Widyaparaga, S.T., M. Biomed.E. and Ir. Andi Sudiarso, ST, MT, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM, (DTMI Lecturers) received the 2021 RINTEK award. The award was presented by the Minister of Industry at a series of events for the 2021 Industrial Technology Pioneer award on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), Jakarta. Since 2006, the Ministry of Industry has presented an annual RINTEK award. This activity has been held every two years on even-numbered years since 2012. However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 RINTEK Award activities were postponed until 2021. This award is given each year to national industry players and researchers who are dedicated and committed to producing innovation via independent research and innovation to boost productivity and global competitiveness in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 age. The RINTEK 2021 award is meant to stimulate national industry players to improve their business performance via high-value industrial technology research, development, and engineering activities.

Butimo batik machine founder Ir. Andi Sudiarso, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM This technology may reduce the time required for the manual batik process from 6 hours to 3 hours. Meanwhile, Dr. Eng. Adhika Widyaparaga, S.T., M. Biomed.E. is a pioneer in the development of ventilator equipment for Covid-19 patients.

Congratulations to Mr. Adhika and Mr. Andi Sudiarso; hopefully, they may continue to work and contribute to industrial technology research, development, and engineering.

UGM Thrives at 2021 Indonesian Flying Robot Contest

The Gadjah Mada Flying Object Research Center (Gamaforce) won the overall winner of this year’s Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) held online, 15-20 November. UGM dominated the government-organized competition with five gold medals and one consolation prize.

“Congratulations to the Gamaforce team for the achievement at the 2021 KRTI,” said UGM Vice-Rector for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs Professor Djagal Wiseso Marseno at the awarding ceremony on Saturday (20/11).
Head of Gamaforce Supervisors Dr. Andi Dharmawan said dedication and interdisciplinary collaboration were the two key factors that helped the team reclaim the overall winner upon last year’s broken win streak. Students of diverse backgrounds, some of which were Electronics and Instrumentation, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Communication Science, teamed up to make this happen.

“Gamaforce has proven its quality through this win. Hopefully, we can defend the title next year,” said Andi. Team leader Made Naradhipa Kanishka Bayu praised the whole team for their unwavering commitment despite the pandemic limitations. “Gamaforce will continue to support the aerospace’s development by research, and, hopefully, contribute to Indonesia one day. Jagat Saksana Dirga (Guardians of the Horizon)!,” said Nara.

A total of 163 teams from 61 Indonesian universities participated in the competition this year. The four categories contested were Racing Plane, Fixed Wing, Vertical Take-off and Landing, and Technology Development. The following lists the categories won by the subteams of Gamaforce: Fiachra Aeromapper – Winner of Fixed Wing Khageswara – Winner of Technology Development (Flight Controller Development), Winner of Technology Development (Ground Control Station), Winner of Technology Development (Propulsion System Development-Prime Mover), Winner of Technology Development (Propulsion System Development-Propeller) Rasayana – Consolation Prize Winner of Racing Plane (source :

Undergraduate Graduation Period November 2021

On Wednesday (24/11), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the graduation of the Bachelor and Diploma Programs online and partially offline at Grha Saba Pramana. 50 Bachelors of Engineering were graduated at DTMI’s Bachelor Program graduation ceremony for the November Period of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, consisting 37 Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and 13 Bachelors of Industrial Engineering. 4 graduates (Naufal Achmad Salma Alfarisi, Steven Abiel Yap, Alfikri Ikhsan, Christoforus Yacob Sianipar) achieved the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest period of time (3 years 11 months 15 days). The graduates (Eko Febri Julian, Ahmad Adham Nur Husaen) achieved the Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest period of time(3 years 11 months 15 days) Erwin Firmansyah (21 years and 11 months) is the youngest Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering graduate, while Samuel Christian Haryanto is the youngest Bachelor of Industrial Engineering graduate (21 yrs 2 months) Erwin Firmansyah (3.77) had the highest GPA for the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, while Evi Fortuna Alfaridzi had the top GPA for the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (3.80)

Congratulations to the 50 Engineering DTMI FT UGM Graduates for the November 2021 period. Hopefully, the knowledge gained would be good for the country and the nation.

Semar UGM Among Winners of National Energy-Efficient Car Contest

The government-run Energy-Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) has concluded on 20 November. Held in a hybrid manner, offline in Surabaya and online, the contest has finally announced its set of winners. Of the 24 teams from 24 Indonesian universities that participated, Semar UGM managed to secure two titles in the Proto-Electric Car and Eco Fun Race-Electric Car categories.

General Manager of Semar UGM Hendra Widyatmoko (Mechanical Engineering) said the team created a prototype car that uses a low-power electric motor with a super-efficient controller. With the said design, the car has broken a new record for the Asia Pacific region with a mileage of 644.77 km/kWh, previously achieved by China’s HuaQi-EV with 501.6 km/kWh.

“Alhamdulillah, it was smooth sailing throughout the stages, from proposal submission, scrutineering to the competition day. We won first place in two categories. Hence we would like to thank all parties who have supported us, both internally (the University, the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and the Faculty of Engineering) and externally,” he said, Monday (22/11).

Semar UGM Supervisor Dr. Jayan Sentanuhady said the team took three years to develop the car, starting from designing, manufacturing, and participating in the race. In addition, the good cooperation among three different cohorts involved in the creation has been among the key factors that help them claim the titles. (sumber


FELECTRIG Team Won Second Place in the Environmental Engineering Student Association

The UGM FELECTRIG Team, led by Bahana Aslamabel (Engineering Physics’18),  Inherenta Muhammad Amarutsli (Mechanical Engineering’18), and Ferraldy Kurnia Rizqi (Mechanical Engineering’18), won second place in the Environmental Engineering Student Association, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology’s Business Plan ‘Environment’ competition. This competition recruited 28 teams from Indonesia’s most famous colleges, including UI, UB, ITB, and ITS.

ENVIRONATION is an annual big event held for the first time in 2014 by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology’s Environmental Engineering Student Association with the goal of increasing public awareness of the environment through a series of environmental engineering professional-based events packaged creatively and innovatively. This event is divided into many categories of contests, one of which is Eco Business, in which the FLECTRIG team participate. Eco Business is a student business proposal competition that focuses on the environmental topic “Economy and Ecological Restoration.”

(sumber : Team Lomba)

Penghargaan Insan UGM berprestasi 2021

The UGM Achievement Person Award night event, on November 17, 2021, brings good news from DTMI Tendik and alumni who brought awards :

1. Nur Prabawa Hermawan, S.Pd.T. (best winner 1 inspirational practice in the field of inspirational laboratory assistant)
2. Rita Yulianti, S.IP. (best 2 winners in the field of inspiring librarian)
3. Sani Wicaksono, S.E. (the best 3 winners in the field of inspirational implementers in academic, student affairs and quality assurance)
4. Heru Sutantyo, S.T. (winner of outstanding young alumni, Industrial Engineering alumni 2004)

Congratulations and success on your hard work and achievement; hopefully, you can inspire each other.

PTM Terkendali UGM

On Monday, October 18, 2021, UGM started Face-to-Face Controlled Learning (PTM). DTMI received a visit from UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng, to evaluate the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering’s readiness to conduct UGM controlled PTM.

PTM, which uses a blended learning system, is expected to continue to prioritize health protocols so that students can get an optimal learning experience includes both health and safety.

So, are you ready to participate in the blended learning?

SIGAP-Merapi Adventure: A Volcanic Eruption Education Facility Based on Gamification

Dr. Hilya Mudrika Arini (DTMI), Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum (DTAP), and Dr. Budi Hartono (DTMI) from Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Engineering developed SIGAP-Merapi Adventure, a disaster response simulation game, in partnership with Dr. Agnessa Spanellis from Heriot-Watt University. The Global Challenges Research Fund in the United Kingdom is funding this research and community service initiative, which is part of the Multi-Hazard Prediction and Disaster Response Management Research Project in Indonesia.

This research, as well as community service, is being carried out in order to assist developing countries in overcoming the genuine obstacles they face as a result of natural disasters, such as periodic volcanic eruptions. The goal of this study is to see if game-based learning can help communities plan for and respond to natural disasters, as well as enhance community resilience.

This game was created by the research team based on a case study in Argomulyo Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, which is adjacent to Mount Merapi. Interviews with Key Persons from village inhabitants, the Destana/DRR Forum, and BPBD DIY were conducted in order to plan out the current Merapi eruption evacuation education approach. Players can use this game to determine their disaster reaction behavior and learn about various evacuation techniques during emergency response situations. Players’ capacity is also put to the test when they are presented with a variety of crisis scenarios in order to save their village from a catastrophic volcanic eruption.

The following link will take you to the Play Store where you can download this game.

The Research Team intends to hold a Workshop at the end of September 2021 to: (1) disseminate the SIGAP Merapi Adventure Game to relevant stakeholders in Argomulyo Village and Sleman Regency, DIY; and (2) involve the Regional Government and relevant stakeholders in Sleman Regency and DIY Province in incorporating the SIGAP Merapi Adventure Game into related programs and policies. The findings of this study and community service are expected to benefit the larger community, and they may help to support the mainstreaming of national disaster preparedness measures.


A Simulation Model for Jakarta Flood Evacuation

The RESilient Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disaster Response via Operational Research (RESPOND-OR) research project, led by Lancaster University’s Centre for Transport and Logistics (CENTRAL), aims to solve challenges and improve natural disaster emergency preparedness and response. The RESPOND-OR project will provide a Decision Support System to help with decisions such as: I disaster relief supply allocation and distribution, ii) population evacuation, and iii) emergency response personnel scheduling and routing. The project, which is funded by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Global Challenge Research Fund (EPSRC/GCRF) program*, brings together a multinational, interdisciplinary research team from the United Kingdom (Lancaster University), Indonesia (Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Indonesia), and Sudan (Universitas Indonesia) (University of Khartoum). The research team is collaborating closely with important stakeholders from both Indonesia and Sudan who represent disaster management organizations. The National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), the Yogyakarta Special Region Disaster Management Agency (BPBD DIY), and the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia are the primary stakeholders in Indonesia (HFI). The goal is to make sure that the project deliverables are in line with the needs of the stakeholders.

The UGM team, which includes Bertha Maya Sopha, Ph.D., Hilya Mudrika Arini, Ph.D., and Sekar Sakti, M.Sc., is working on a simulation model to predict the evacuation time and number of evacuated residents (both aided and self-evacuated) for flood evacuation in Jakarta. Between October 2020 and March 2021, empirical data was collected and a conceptual model was developed. The initial iteration of simulation, which will be released in April 2021, will integrate agent-based modeling and discrete-event simulation. It replicates the evacuation of residents from their homes. Trucks and rubber boats are used to simulate actual response actions throughout the evacuation procedure. In June 2021, the initial simulation model was presented to BPNB and NGOs at a verification workshop. The simulation model can be used as an experimental tool to help better create a flood evacuation plan for Jakarta.

*) Grant number A103953.


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