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P4KL UGM Conducted Disaster Response and Firefighting Training

PK4L UGM conducted an integrated firefighting training at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering UGM on Thursday (16/6). The training covers Safe and Healthy Environment theory, procedures on using the fire extinguisher and hydrant hose, firefighting with traditional tools, and manual firefighting for wildfire caused by leaked gas from a 3-kilogram LPG tank. The training that lasted for at least 2 hours and guided directly by the Commander of PK4L UGM mainly focused on procedures and activities related to firefighting inside the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering building.

Due to the limited number of fire engines in a regent or a city, in certain cases, assistance from the nearest fire department is particularly needed so that the fire extinguishing process could be done thoroughly. This joint training was conducted in order to anticipate the occurrence of wildfire in an area and to learn the coordination pattern that would later be applicable in firefighting situations around the area of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

Fire extinguisher training at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Video safety induction Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

PR of DTMI | June 2022

The Professor Of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Sutrisno, Passed Away at Age 67

The Professor of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sutrisno, MSME, PhD., IPM., ASEAN Eng. of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering passed away on Wednesday (11/05) at JIH Yogyakarta at 14.45 at the age of 67 years old.

Prof. Sutrisno was born in Yogyakarta on August 8, 1954. Starting his career as a lecturer at Faculty of Engineering since March 1, 1981, he got his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at UGM in 1980. His Master’s degree was achieved at University of Colorado Boulder, USA, in 1985. He finished his doctoral degree at University Colorado Boulder, USA, in 1989. His enormous service as a lecturer for at least 40 years at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering can be proved with various awards, certificates, and merits that was bestowed on him, one of them being awarded as exemplary lecturer in 1991 by the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia.

The late Prof. Sutrisno left behind a wife, Dra. Endang Tripurwaningsih and 6 children. In all his life, he has given a tremendous contribution in the field of mechanical engineering and a great commitment towards the Faculty of Engineering UGM and his nation. Faculty of Engineering UGM Professor’s speech in 2020 delivered by him titled “Prospek Pengembangan Teknologi Pertahanan dan Energi di Indonesia” became one of his contributions to help the government in solving problems related to field work, energy, and defense.

Farewell, Prof. Sutrisno, thank you for your contributions and thoughts, as they will always be remembered as a valuable legacy for the Faculty of Engineering and Indonesia.

PR of DTMI | May 2022

RESPOND-OR: Supporting disaster management and humanitarian aid organizations to cope effectively with large-scale natural disasters

Bertha Maya Sopha, Ph.D., Hilya Mudrika Arini, Ph.D., and Sekar Sakti, M.Sc., research team from UGM in partnership with Lancaster University, are conducting research project of The RESilient Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disaster Response through Operational Research (RESPOND-OR). This research project led by the Centre for Transport and Logistics (CENTRAL) at Lancaster University, aims to tackle problems and improve natural disaster emergency preparedness and response. The research team is working closely with key stakeholders representing disaster management organisations in both Indonesia and Sudan. The key stakeholders in Indonesia are Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), Disaster Management Agency of the Yogyakarta Special Region (BPBD DIY), and Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI).

The UGM team developed the simulation model for Jakarta flood evacuation to evaluate the effectiveness of the contingency plan with respect to the evacuation time and total number of successful evacuees. The model is developed based on Flood Management Contingency Plan in 2017. The empirical data was collected, and the conceptual model was designed in October 2020 – March 2021. In April 2021, the first version of simulation combines agent-based modelling and discrete-event simulation. The initial simulation model has been presented to BPNB and NGOs in a verification workshop in June 2021. It models the evacuation decision-making of the residents and the evacuation process requiring resources (such as trucks and boats) and evacuation process of people in some neighbourhoods.

The evacuation decision-making was developed based on the empirical studies, whereas the location of shelters and allocation resources was based on the existing contingency plan. Evacuation process is conducted using truck and rubber boat. Trucks are used to evacuate people from the assembly point to the shelter, whilst rubber boats are used to evacuate people who are trapped by flooding in their home (assisted evacuation). The simulation model embeds GIS to represent the actual geographical location of the residents, the assembly points and the shelters. The simulation model dynamically shows the number of arrived residents at each shelters over time (evacuation pattern), the animation of the evacuation, and the used resources over time. The manual for building multi-method simulation for Jakarta flood evacuation can be accessed  here.

Source : research team

UGM Held A “Sosialisasi Game Evakuasi SIGAP Merapi Adventure (Simulasi Tanggap Bencana)” Workshop

Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University held a “Sosialisasi Game Evakuasi SIGAP Merapi Adventure (Simulasi Tanggap Bencana)” workshop on Friday (11/3), collaborating with Kabupaten Sleman and Kapanewon Cangkringan Government.

This workshop was started with “Apel Siaga Relawan Pegiat Kebencanaan” in Kapanewon Cangkringan. The apel was led directly by Dra. Hj. Kustini Sri Purnomo as The Regent of Kabupaten Sleman and attended by at least 125 disaster activist volunteers from various elements.

The “Simulasi Tanggap Bencana” Workshop was part of the research and community service activities of Faculty of Engineering UGM in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, UK. The result of this workshop would be used as an input for the development and improvement of the next research result. The “Merapi SIGAP Adventure” video game could be accessed by the public for free by downloading the app from Google Play Store on Android Smartphone.

During the workshop activity, Ir. Hilya Mudrika Arini, S.T., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, S.T. from the Department of Architecture and Planning UGM explained that the “Evakuasi SIGAP Merapi Adventure” video game that is in development is expected to provide a contribution towards the effort of improving people’s tenacity and minimizing the risk caused by Merapi’s eruption.

(Source: tim SIGAP Merapi Adventure)

PR of DTMI | March 2022

Mechanical Engineering Students’ Team Winning the 2nd Place in Green Innovation for Green Energy 2022

A team of three Mechanical Engineering (TM) students was awarded with the 2nd place in Green Innovation for Green Energy (National Scientific Writing Competition) hosted by Pertamina Patra Niaga x Integrated Terminal Palembang on Friday (11/02).

The team consists of Aqli Sharfan (TM 2019), Claudia Eva Maharani (TM 2021), and Dasta Muhammad Ghaly (TM 2019) brought up the concept of “Optimizing the Pyrolysis Machine to Generate LDPE Plastic Waste into Diesel Fuel for Power Plants Generator in Palembang Area” for their scientific writing that eventually led them in winning the 2nd place.

Source: Aqli Sharfan

PR of DTMI | February 2022

29 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Postgraduate Students Granted Master Degree

In total of 979 postgraduate students were granted the degree of Master by the rector of UGM on Wednesday (26/1). Wisuda Program Pascasarjana Periode II Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM was attended by 125 graduates onsite along with their families and 854 graduates online.

In this period’s graduation ceremony, the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has granted the degree of Master for 29 graduates which consists of 20 graduates of Mechanical Engineering Master Program and 9 graduates of Industrial Engineering Master Program. The highest GPA was achieved by Mechanical Engineering Master Program graduate Andhika Satria Pratama with 3,98 GPA and Industrial Engineering Master Program graduate Rian Febrianto with 3,93 GPA.

Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., stated that today’s graduates had become a part of UGM alumni in a unique way, since most of the studying activities and graduation process were done in the midst of the pandemic. He also delivered a message to all of the graduates for never stop learning, especially in the midst of this hyper-changing era. Therefore, UGM graduates are expected to continue developing and becoming the best version of themselves in the midst of nowadays’ competition. The current condition provides the right momentum for the younger generations to show their potential and to provide concrete solutions for  various problems faced by both the nation and the world, meaning that UGM graduates are also expected to be able to take part in both efforts to overcome the pandemic and to bring Indonesia to move in a faster pace and compete on the world stage.

(reported from

PR of DTMI | January 2022

Postgraduate Program 2022 Graduation Ceremony Youtube Video

7 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering UGM Lecturers Listed in Indonesia’s 5000 Best Scientists

In total of seven lecturers of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering UGM have been included into the category of Indonesia’s 5000 AD Scientific Index best scientists version 1 of the year 2022. AD Scientific Index ( is an indexer that utilizes the last 5 years’ h-index, i10-index, and citation score numbers in Google Scholar. The data collected from Google Scholar would then be placed in groups based on subjects, regions, countries, and institutions. The seven lecturers included into the category are:

  1. Ir. Bertha Maya Shopa, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN.Eng. (1951)
  2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Harwin Saptoadi, M.SE., IPM. ASEAN Eng. (2789)
  3. Dr. Ir. Kusmono, S.T., M.T., IPM (2989)
  4. Prof. Ir. Alva Edy Tontowi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. (3581)
  5. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng. (4035)
  6. Ir.Muslim Mahardika, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (351)
  7. Dr.Eng. Ir.Titis Wijayanto, S.T., M.Des., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (4273)

Congratulations for this outstanding achievement. May the knowledge resulted from the research carries economic values and benefit for the people.

PR of DTMI | January 2022

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department UGM x Deakin University in Battling The Spread Of Covid-19-related “Fake News”

During the Covid-19 pandemic era, a massive flow of information related to the disease has been consistently coming up and getting spread out amongst the public. Unfortunately, some of the information received by the public is inaccurate, unreliable, and can even be identified as “fake news”. Therefore, a method to identify the fake news related to Covid-19 is urgently needed, especially for identifying multilingual news. Sadly, the existing method to identify the fake news is still too general to identify the Covid-19-related fake news in multilingual news. The failure in identifying and intervening the spreading of the multilingual Covid-19-related fake news could easily cause public’s disbelief and misguided behaviours such as panic buying, disobedience towards the health protocol, and even rejecting the Covid-19 test and vaccination.

In response to the urgency, the research team of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering UGM in collaboration with the research team of Deakin University, Australia funded by Study Melbourne Research Partnership, consisting of Dr. Hilya Mudrika Arini (UGM), Dr. Titis Wijayanto (UGM), Dr. Yun Prihantina (UGM), Dr. Achmad Pratama Rifai (UGM), Assoc. Prof. Xiao Liu, (Deakin University), and Assoc. Prof. Jianxin Li (Deakin University), would conduct an online survey towards 1.500 Indonesian and Australian citizens with different generational cohorts (including the Baby Boomers, the Millennials, and the Gen Z’s) from selected cities and towns to classify each individual based on their characteristics in trusting and processing Covid-19 pandemic-related information. The survey was also designed to identify and analyse people’s online behavioural characteristics regarding the news spreading and to help determining which group is the most susceptible to the fake news. In this research, the researchers would also collect multilingual dataset for Covid-19-related fake news spreading in Indonesia and Australia and develop an effective multilingual Covid-19-related fake news detection model. The result of this study is expected to help the government in the policy-making process to control the spread of Covid-19-related fake news.

PR of DTMI | January 2022

UGM Inaugurates New Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng., a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM, was titled a Professor in Mechanical Engineering on Thursday (9/12) at the Senate Hall, UGM Central Building. Prof. Deendarlianto presented an inaugural speech titled “Multiphase Flow Scientific and Technological Innovation for Strengthening National Energy, Environment, and Food Sovereignty” at the Professor’s inauguration ceremony.

You can watch the inauguration speech at

Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng, UGM Chancellor, stated at the end of the Professor Inauguration event that Prof. Deendarlianto became one of 353 active professors at UGM and one of 50 professors at the UGM Faculty of Engineering. Congratulations on Prof. Deendarlianto’s Inauguration of Professors, achievements, and best achievements in the academic sector. Congratulations to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on its future success and prosperity in the future, and more community benefits.

ALAMI TEKNOLOGI Win 2nd Place at Annual Competition Ideanation 2021

Under the direction of Dr. Ir. Jayan Sentanuhady, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Alami Teknologi, a collaboration of Fadjar Novel (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Reza Yustika Bayuardi (Department of Chemical Engineering), and Fano Alfian Ardyansyah (Industrial Engineering Alumni), won second place in the 2021 Ideanation Competition.

This competition is conducted by and will take place online (ZOOM Meeting) from July to November 2021. Waste-To-Energy: Technology to Process Urban Waste and Medical Waste into Energy is a carbonizer technology offered by Alami Teknologi. Nowadays, the trash issue is one that has been resolved for a long time. The biggest impediment to resolving the garbage problem is the lack of effective and ecologically acceptable technology. Furthermore, many waste-related solutions have resulted in new difficulties, such as emissions and by-products that have not been optimized. The Alami Teknologi team provides a solution in the form of effective clean technology that can manage waste in the form of a scalable and modular carbonizer machine that can be incorporated based on the capacity and volume of current trash.

This technology’s intended users include district/city-level local governments, MSMEs, village governments, markets, hospitals, and offices, however for the time being, the team is focusing on TPS and village governments as end-customers. The major income source comes from the revenue share of charcoal as an output product of the carbonizer engine, and the second revenue stream comes from the sale of carbonizer technology. According to the market and business study, the entire market value is $195 million, with the major goals being TPS3R and TPA. These findings indicate a successful business study with a 3.9-year return on investment and a 25% ROI.

“Our objective is to assist the government in controlling urban and medical waste while also offering a cost-effective energy source,” said Fadjar Novel.


  • Anggota:
    • Fadjar Novel (Teknik Mesin 2018)
    • Reza Yustika Bayuardi (Teknik Kimia 2017)
    • Fano Alfian Ardyansyah (Alumni Teknik Industri)
  • Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Jayan Sentanuhady, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng.
  • Kompetisi yang diikuti (Annual Competition Ideanation 2021,, Juli 2021 s/d November 2021, Zoom Meeting):
  • Jenis kompetisi: Nasional
    Terdiri dari 15 tim yang merupakan lulusan S1 dan S2 baik dalam negri maupun luar negri. Terdapat tiga kategori yang masing-masing kategori berisi 5 tim terbaik yang sudah melalui penilaian pihak Ideanation 2021.
  • Capaian prestasi: Juara 2 kategori Waste Management Solution
  • Nama Produk/karya/tulisan: Waste-To-Energy: Teknologi Pengolahan Sampah Perkotaan dan Limbah Medis Menjadi Energi
  • Deskripsi/penjelasan produk/karya/tulisan, termasuk kelebihan yang ditawarkan: Teknologi Carbonizer dapat mempercepat program desa peduli lingkungan dan desa berenergi bersih dengan mengolah sampah perkotaan dan limbah medis menjadi energi dengan tujuan utama adalah untuk membuat dan mengaplikasikan teknologi carbonizer kapasitas 1 ton sampah per hari yang digunakan untuk mengolah sampah perkotaan dan limbah medis menjadi energi, mengkomersilkan produk hasil teknologi carbonizer yang berupa arang (charcoal), abu (ash), dan air bersih (clean water)
  • Harapan tim:
    • Menyediakan teknologi pengolah sampah perkotaan dan limbah medis yang ramah lingkungan dengan produk akhir teknologi yang berupa sumber energi terbarukan bagi industri kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dan rumah tangga.
    • Menjaga kestabilan dan ketersediaan energi bagi UMKM maupun masyarakat desa.
    • Meningkatkan bauran energi nasional tentang energi terbarukan dan menyediakan energi bersih.
    • Memanfaatkan sampah dan limbah medis sebagai sumber bahan bakar terbarukan sebagai upaya meminimalkan penggunaan energi fosil terutama LPG dan minyak solar.
    • Membantu pemerintah dalam mengelola sampah perkotaan dan limbah medis sekaligus menyediakan sumber energi yang ekonomis
  • URl berita resmi dari penyelenggara :
  • Kontak salah satu anggota tim untuk memudahkan kami jika ada yang ditanyakan : Fadjar Novel (085830603708)