On Wednesday (24/11), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the graduation of the Bachelor and Diploma Programs online and partially offline at Grha Saba Pramana. 50 Bachelors of Engineering were graduated at DTMI’s Bachelor Program graduation ceremony for the November Period of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, consisting 37 Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and 13 Bachelors of Industrial Engineering. 4 graduates (Naufal Achmad Salma Alfarisi, Steven Abiel Yap, Alfikri Ikhsan, Christoforus Yacob Sianipar) achieved the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest period of time (3 years 11 months 15 days). The graduates (Eko Febri Julian, Ahmad Adham Nur Husaen) achieved the Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest period of time(3 years 11 months 15 days) Erwin Firmansyah (21 years and 11 months) is the youngest Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering graduate, while Samuel Christian Haryanto is the youngest Bachelor of Industrial Engineering graduate (21 yrs 2 months) Erwin Firmansyah (3.77) had the highest GPA for the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, while Evi Fortuna Alfaridzi had the top GPA for the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (3.80)
Congratulations to the 50 Engineering DTMI FT UGM Graduates for the November 2021 period. Hopefully, the knowledge gained would be good for the country and the nation.