Dr. Hilya Mudrika Arini (DTMI), Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum (DTAP), and Dr. Budi Hartono (DTMI) from Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Engineering developed SIGAP-Merapi Adventure, a disaster response simulation game, in partnership with Dr. Agnessa Spanellis from Heriot-Watt University. The Global Challenges Research Fund in the United Kingdom is funding this research and community service initiative, which is part of the Multi-Hazard Prediction and Disaster Response Management Research Project in Indonesia.
This research, as well as community service, is being carried out in order to assist developing countries in overcoming the genuine obstacles they face as a result of natural disasters, such as periodic volcanic eruptions. The goal of this study is to see if game-based learning can help communities plan for and respond to natural disasters, as well as enhance community resilience.
This game was created by the research team based on a case study in Argomulyo Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, which is adjacent to Mount Merapi. Interviews with Key Persons from village inhabitants, the Destana/DRR Forum, and BPBD DIY were conducted in order to plan out the current Merapi eruption evacuation education approach. Players can use this game to determine their disaster reaction behavior and learn about various evacuation techniques during emergency response situations. Players’ capacity is also put to the test when they are presented with a variety of crisis scenarios in order to save their village from a catastrophic volcanic eruption.
The following link will take you to the Play Store where you can download this game.
The Research Team intends to hold a Workshop at the end of September 2021 to: (1) disseminate the SIGAP Merapi Adventure Game to relevant stakeholders in Argomulyo Village and Sleman Regency, DIY; and (2) involve the Regional Government and relevant stakeholders in Sleman Regency and DIY Province in incorporating the SIGAP Merapi Adventure Game into related programs and policies. The findings of this study and community service are expected to benefit the larger community, and they may help to support the mainstreaming of national disaster preparedness measures.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i_jGoSaehk[/embedyt]