Mechanical engineering UGM student win “ESPRIEX Business Model Contest 2017″

Yogyakarta – once paddle two three island were exceeded, is a proverb the suitable to describe the success of Arief Faqihudin mechanical engineering 2013 and team in winning the ESPRIEX Business Model Contest 2017 in Malang, East Java. They managed to become the first place in the business model competition by relying on the previous idea he had in Hongkong Asia Social Innovation award 2016 that is an innovation in health called COASS which is a platform that brings together a coas or co-assistant with his patients. ESPRIEX Business Model Contest is a business model competition canvas organized by Harvard University, Stanford University, and Brigham Young University as one of the regional selection for the bigger competition that is International Business Model Competition 2017 which will be held at Sillicon Valey, USA.

Achievements that he achieved this time is not something easy, it is a struggle that he acknowledged himself because he and the team managed to crawl from 627 teams that competed to 181 teams as the remaining ASEAN are entitled to proceed to the next step and then after the process that he went through, they earned a semifinal ticket with twenty-four other teams until finally won the first champion which will represent ASEAN in International Business Model Competition 2017 (IBMC) in Sillicon Valey, USA after beating the other four teams who made it to the finals.

“To solve a problem does not have to see what your background. Not only mechanical student to solve problem about machine . Many other fields need engineering. Here I want to find a solution to the problem of dentistry education that has no solution at all, “said Arief Faqihudin whose team is supported by the University of Gadjah Mada, when asked why a brave engineer exists in business competitio

(Translator : WWP)

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