Every journey must come to an end. Same with college, every effort we did will become sweet or bitter depends on how much we sacrifice. The end of college is when we are graduated and in February 2017 there werre 60 graduates from mechanical engineering UGM, 27 of them graduate with cumlaude.
For this graduation ceremony, Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin (KMTM) UGM was doing a parade for the graduates as a form of ceremony over a successful graduation which also had became their tradition. The parade start on the south staircase of Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP), the graduates were welcomed by a rousing cheers and greetings from the member of KMTM UGM. There was something special in this period of graduation and that is the theme of mechanical kingdom. Students from mechanical engineering UGM year 2016 wearing an attribute as if they were a soldiers who welcome their king. The greeting on the south staircase of GSP was closed by a group photo between member of KMTM and the graduates. After that, the graduates were paraded to KMTM.
The next schedule was greeting the graduates in KMTM secretariat, more precisely in the basketball court. This schedule was filled by greetings from Mr. Ryan Wiratama as the head of KMTM for 2017 period and Mr. Fadhli Akbar as the graduates representative and the head of KMTM for 2015 period. Mr. Ryan Wiratama delivered congratulations on the graduation of colleagues of mechanical engineering UGM and when the graduates want to go to KM, member of KMTM will always be ready to welcome because KMTM is our home and our family. Next is greeting from Mr. Fadhli Akbar that asked the students to improve their achievement as a mechanical engineering student and as a member of KMTM and prayed for all students and graduates ease for their business. Last, the event ended with a feast.
(Writter: MMA)
(Translator : DPA)