On Wednesday, August 25, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) presented an online graduation for Bachelor and Diploma Programs.
84 Bachelors of Engineering were graduated at DTMI’s Bachelor Program graduation ceremony for the August Period of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, with 34 Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and 50 Bachelors of Industrial Engineering. Following that, four graduates (Achmad Fajar Wibawa, Hanif Bayu Ismail, Zein Nurrahman, and Cahya Dika Wicaksana) completed the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program in the quickest time possible (three years, ten months, and eleven days). 8 alumni completed the Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest time possible.(Aryaputra Palguna, Taajkhansa Najla, OchtaTio Feny Pasaribu, Trusti Hapsari, Desti Pinasti Putri, Devita Ayuni Kusumaningsih, Muhammad Fernanda Lutfiansyah, Sarah Khairita Putri) With a study duration of 3 years 9 months 11 days.
Ananda Thalia Nurul Akbar (20 years 11 months) is the youngest Mechanical Engineering graduate, while Sally Justiani is the youngest Bachelor of Industrial Engineering graduate (20 years 10 months)
Next, Muhammad Adimas Daffa Mukaarim (3.82) earned the highest GPA in the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, while Rayhan Kenandi Eka Putra (3.92) and Adinda Mutiara Santi (3.92) earned the highest GPA in the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (3.92)
Congratulations to the 84 DTMI FT UGM Engineering Graduates for the month of August 2021. Goodluck!