Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.


Professor, Mechanical Engineering Study Program


Research interest: Composite and mechanics of materials



  • Ir. (B.Eng.), Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada-Indonesia, 1986
  • Ph.D., Composite & Mechanics of Materials, Strathclyde University-UK, 1993

Academic Experiences:

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 1988 – Present, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Head of Department, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 2012-2015, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Vice Dean of Research, Cooperation, and Alumnae Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, 2007-2012, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Head of Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 2003-2007, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Chief of Financial Affairs, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 1999-2003, Full Time

Non Academic Experiences:

  • PT Badak NGL, Senior Engineering Consultant, 1995 – Present, Part Time
  • Komisi Keamanan Jembatan dan Terowongan Jalan (KKJTJ), 2015-Present, Part Time Member, National Research Council Republic of Indonesia, 2016-Present
  • The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII), 2017 – Present
  • Masyarakat Material Indonesia, 2000 – Present

Service activities:

  • Engineering Consultants, Projects under Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1993 – Present
    Contributes actively in various community development schemes, such as:
    Aplikasi Cetakan Permanen Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Kualitas Produk IkmPengecoran Logam Kuningan Ngawem Sidokarto Godean. 2015
    Pemetaan Potensi Desa untuk Pengurangan Tingkat Kemiskinan dan Rawan Pangan,Peningkatan Mutu Hasil Pertanian, Serta Pembuatan Sistem Irigasi Pendukung dan
  • Pemanfaatan Pompa Hidran di Dusun Blumbang dan Puser, Desa Banjararum,Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kabupaten Kulon Progo Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. 2014

Publications and presentations (Most important from past 5 years):

  • Optimization of the ternary combinations of rockwool-PAN-cellulose fibers for the best fade-recovery performance in nonasbestos organic brake pad composite . [2020].
    (1) PUTRI NAWANGSARI (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Ir. Heru Santoso Budi Rochardjo, M.Eng., Ph.D. (4) Arif Tri Waskito
  • Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanocomposite Made from Cellulose Nanofibers. [2020].
    (1) FERRIAWAN YUDHANTO (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Ir. Heru Santoso Budi Rochardjo, M.Eng., Ph.D.
  • Extraction of Natural Fibers by High-Speed Blender to Produce Cellulose Sheet Composite. [2019].
    (1) Ir. Heru Santoso Budi Rochardjo, M.Eng., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) FERRIAWAN YUDHANTO
  • BaSO4-Friction Dust Filler Improves Friction Characteristic in Non-Asbestos Brake Pad Composite. [2019].
    (1) PUTRI NAWANGSARI (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Ir. Heru Santoso Budi Rochardjo, M.Eng., Ph.D. (4) Arif Tri Waskito
  • Effect of Stacking Sequences and Silane Treatments on Mechanical Properties of Agel Leaf/Jute/Glass Fiber-Reinforced Hybrid Composite. [2018].
    (1) KHOLQILLAH ARDHIAN I (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Dr. Kusmono, S.T., MT. (4) HENDRI HESTIAWAN
  • Effect of chemical treatments on tensile properties and interfacial shear strength of unsaturated polyester/fan palm fibers. [2018].
    (1) HENDRI HESTIAWAN (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Dr. Kusmono, S.T., MT.
  • Characteristic evaluation of brake block material. [2017].
    (1) EKO SUROJO (2) Prof. Ir. Jamasri, Ph.D. (3) Dr. Ir. Viktor Malau, DEA. (4) Prof. Mochammad Noer Ilman, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • “The influence of surface modification on sound absorption coefficient of albizzia wood absorber”, Diharjo, K., Prabowo, A.E., Jamasri, Suharty, N.S., AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017).
  • “Effects of alkali and steaming on mechanical properties of snake fruit (Salacca) fiber”, Darmanto, S., Rochardjo, H.S.B., Jamasri,Widyorini, R.,AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017).
  • “The effect of heating temperature in static thermal tensioning (STT) welding on mechanical properties and fatigue crack propagation rate of FCAW in steel A 36”, N Subeki, Jamasri, MN Ilman, PT Iswanto, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1788 (1), 030057, (2017).
  • “Influence of sintering temperature and holding time on tensile strength and shrinkage of pvc specimen on indirect pressure-less sintering process”, SA Widyanto, S Riyadi, AE Tontowi, J Jamasri, HS Rochardjo, Mesin 21 (1), 16-20, (2017).
  • “Ramie Woven Reinforced Epoxy Composite (RWREC): Tensile Strength Analysis”, Z Djafar, J Jamasri, HSB Rochardjo, JPG Sutapa, International Journal of Engineering and Science Applications 1 (1), 21-28, (2016).