Dr. I Made Miasa, S.T., M.Sc


Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Study Program

Email: miasa@ugm.ac.id

Research interest: Dynamics, Sound and Vibration



  • S.T., Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada-Indonesia, 1997
  • M.Sc., Applied Accoustics, Chalmers University of Technology-Sweden, 2002
  • Dr., Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2007

Academic Experiences:

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 1998 – Present, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Head of Mechanical Vibration Laboratory, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 2010, Full Time
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Secretary Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Study Program, 2021 – present

Non Academic Experiences:

  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Research and Development Engineer, 1997-1998
  • Member, The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII), 2017 – Present

Honors and Awards

  • STINT, STINT Sweden, 2000
  • The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, 2003

Service activities:

  • PT Pertamina MOR IV, Energy Audit and Verification, 2016
  • PT Pertamina MOR IV, Energy Audit and Verification, 2014
  • Engineering Consultants, Projects under Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2000 – Present
  • Contributes actively in various community development schemes under Universitas Gadjah Mada

Publications and presentations (Most important from past 5 years) :

  • Studi Rantai Pasok Lokal pada Lingkungan Industri Kecil Kabupaten Tegal. [2020].
    (Ketua Peneliti) Prof. Ir. Alva Edy Tontowi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (Anggota Peneliti) Tri Widodo, Prof., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) Joash Elisha Stephen Tapiheru (Anggota Peneliti) Agustina Merdekawati, S.H., LL.M. (Anggota Peneliti) Dr. I Made Miasa, S.T., M.Sc. (Anggota Peneliti) Adhika Widyaparaga, S.T., M.Biomed.E., Dr.Eng. (Anggota Peneliti) Ir. Budhi Sholeh Wibowo, S.T., M.T., MBA, PDEng., IPM, ASEAN Eng.
  • Experimental study on performance of standing-wave thermoacoustic engine at different tilted angles and resonator length. [2018].
    (1) Rinasa Agistya A (2) Adhika Widyaparaga, S.T., M.Biomed.E., Dr.Eng. (3) Dr. I Made Miasa, S.T., M.Sc. (4) Ir. Joko Waluyo, M.T., Ph.D (5) SUGIYANTO
  • Building design and performance test of vibration beds with Whole Body Vibration. [2018].
    (1) DESAK KETUT INDRASARI UTAMI (2) Dr. dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, Sp.S(K) (3) Dr. I Made Miasa, S.T., M.Sc. (4) I Wayan Surata (5) Prof. Dr. dr. Samekto Wibowo, Sp.S(K)., Sp.S(K).

Professional development activities:

  • As a leader of research development in mechanical vibration and accoustic Attend International Congress on Sound and Vibration (2014) at Beijing, China