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Bagi mahasiswa angkatan 2016 genap (yang pernah cuti) dan 2017 ganjil yang belum mengajukan PERPANJANGAN STUDI, silahkan untuk segera mengumpulkan maksimal hari Kamis, 9 Januari 2020 pukul 11.00 WIB.

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Bagi seluruh mahasiswa aktif yang masih mengambil KRS (kecuali mahasiswa IT dan yang tinggal mengambil tesis) silahkan untuk mengisi SURVEY MATA KULIAH SEMESTER GENAP 2019/2020 (terlampir).
Pengisian maksimal sampai hari Jumat, 27 Desember 2019 dan dikirim ke email
Pastikan MK yang Anda pilih adalah yang pasti akan diambil agar mempermudah kami dalam perhitungan pembukaan MK pada Semester Genap 2019/2020.
Terima kasih.

Master of Mechanical Engineering Student Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Study Exchange with Ehime University, Japan

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) collaborated with Ehime University from Japan to collaborate in student exchange where on this occasion UGM students left for the land of cherry blossoms on October 23 – November 19, 2019. Three master students of Mechanical Engineering DTMI FT UGM namely Wiliandi Saputro (Wili), Fatkhurrohman (Fatkhur) and M. Aisya Fatima Sampurno (Aisya) represented the Mechanical Engineering study program to study for one month there. After arriving in Japan, Wili and Fatkhur were placed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering or Kikai Koogaku in Japanese, and Aisya herself was placed in Materials and Science Engineering (Kinoozairyoo Koogaku).

Wili had the opportunity to study and conduct research on “Preparation of composite materials of Na-1 Zeolite for Cs Decontamination”, namely studying the synthesis of zeolite for decontamination of soil contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear explosion. Research conducted by Fatkhur focused on internal fracture (damage) and crack propagation of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), wherein the manufacture of CFRP lamina a sensor is placed in the form of FBG (fiber bragg grating) which is applied to the fuselage. Aisya herself is in a different department, focusing on synthesizing and characterizing silicon carbide using the microwave heating method for various applications in machinery such as turbine engines, boilers, and other refractory applications.

Fatkhur explained that this exchange activity was not only focused on research, but was also filled with non-academic learning such as the Matsuyama city tour, visiting the historical place of Matsuyama Castle, and industrial visits to agricultural machinery companies. “One month is short, but this short time can be maximized to support all the services there, we are facilitated with a library card so that we can freely study and borrow books, and a student card is also facilitated so that we can use the facilities to the fullest. Not only that, but we also use our days off to study non-academic things with Japanese friends, or to visits other Indonesian students to exchange ideas and experiences. I learned a lot there,” said Aisya, Tuesday (17/12/2019). Wili also added that the students welcomed him warmly and enthusiastically, “They cooked special meals for us, and prepared all the events perfectly, we felt like we are welcomed as a new family even though we haven’t known them for long”. Wili, Fatkhur and Aisya hope that their fellow master students of Mechanical Engineering DTMI FT UGM can take part in this activity in the following years. This activity is very useful to learn about the latest technology in a developed country and to research and develop it in Indonesia in an effort to increase scientific progress, develop the potential to continue doctoral studies, introduce Indonesian culture in the Culture Sharing Program, as well as to establish good relations and cooperation in the field of research with universities that already advanced.