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Graduation 84 Bachelor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, FT UGM

On Wednesday, August 25, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) presented an online graduation for Bachelor and Diploma Programs.

84 Bachelors of Engineering were graduated at DTMI’s Bachelor Program graduation ceremony for the August Period of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, with 34 Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and 50 Bachelors of Industrial Engineering. Following that, four graduates (Achmad Fajar Wibawa, Hanif Bayu Ismail, Zein Nurrahman, and Cahya Dika Wicaksana) completed the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Program in the quickest time possible (three years, ten months, and eleven days). 8 alumni completed the Industrial Engineering Bachelor Program in the shortest time possible.(Aryaputra Palguna, Taajkhansa Najla, OchtaTio Feny Pasaribu, Trusti Hapsari, Desti Pinasti Putri, Devita Ayuni Kusumaningsih, Muhammad Fernanda Lutfiansyah, Sarah Khairita Putri) With a study duration of 3 years 9 months 11 days.

Ananda Thalia Nurul Akbar (20 years 11 months) is the youngest Mechanical Engineering graduate, while Sally Justiani is the youngest Bachelor of Industrial Engineering graduate (20 years 10 months)

Next, Muhammad Adimas Daffa Mukaarim (3.82) earned the highest GPA in the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, while Rayhan Kenandi Eka Putra (3.92) and Adinda Mutiara Santi (3.92) earned the highest GPA in the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (3.92)

Congratulations to the 84 DTMI FT UGM Engineering Graduates for the month of August 2021. Goodluck!

[CALL FOR PAPER] 12th International Conference on Thermofluids (Thermofluid 2021)

Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to submit your research paper in the 12th International Conference on Thermofluids (Thermofluid 2021). Thermofluid is an annual conference organized by The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta that provides a platform to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists, academia, policy makers, and professionals to exchange information and identify research needs in the areas of thermal and fluids engineering.

The conference currently accepts full papers in topics of (but not limited to):- Fluid Dynamics
– Multiphase Flow
– Fuel Technology
– Thermodynamics & Energy Conversion
– Fluid Structure Interaction
– Heat-Mass Transfer & Phase Change
– Renewable Energy & Energy Harvesting
– Combustion & Automotive Engineering
– Energy Carrier and Storage

All accepted and presented papers will be published in American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings indexed by Scopus.
The invited Keynote Speakers of this conference:

1. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Beckmann (Institute for Process Engineering and Environmental Technology Technical University Dresden)

2. Prof. Alberto Coronas (Group of Applied Thermal Engineering,Dept. Mechanical Engineering Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain)

3. Prof. Kiyoshi Saito (Interdisciplinary Institute for Thermal Energy Conversion Engineering and Mathematics Dept. Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Waseda University, Japan)

4. Assoc. Prof. Agus Pulung Sasmito (Mining and Materials Engineering Department,McGill University, Canada)

5. Prof. Deendarlianto (Dept. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

  • Important dates of the conference are as follows: 29th September 2021
  • Deadline of full paper submission : 13th October 2021
  • Announcement of paper acceptance : 28th October 2021
  • Paper Revision Deadline : 10-11th November 2021
  • International Conference on Thermofluids 2021 via Video Conference

All registration and submission have to be made through EDAS Conference Management System at (those who do not have an EDAS account will need to create one).

A Reference Guide and Full Paper Template can be downloaded at

Should you have any inquiries, please contact us at:

Email                :

Website            :

WhatsApp         : +62 81212961457 (Mr. Fauzi); +62 81289284488 (Ms. Argani)

We would like to thank you for your kindness to forward this call for paper to your colleagues/students.

Looking forward to meeting you in Thermofluid 2021.

Best Regards,
Dr. Hifni Mukhtar Ariyadi, S.T., M.Sc.
Chair of Organizing Committee
International Conference on Thermofluids 2021


Arjuna Electric Vehicle Team UGM Won the Best Electric Car Battery Design in the International Competition FSEV Concept Challenge 2021

Arjuna Electric Vehicle Team UGM Won the Best Electric Car Battery Design in the International Competition FSEV Concept Challenge 2021

Arjuna Electric Vehicle Universitas Gadjah Mada has won their second awards of this year.  After successfully winning the First Place of Car Design in a national competition that was held by Indonesia’s national electricity company PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2021 in June, the team has again won another competition on an international level in the 5th Annual FSEV Concept Challenge (FSEV 2021). As an annual competition, this has been the second time the team has participated in the competition. This year, Arjuna EV UGM has won the title Best Battery Design, 3rd Place of Team Management Report, and became the finalist in the category of Software and Intelligence Integration. The competition itself was held during 30 July 2021 – 4 August 2021 in India and was attended by a total of 31 teams from India, Turkey, and Indonesia.

Winning the award of Best Battery Design in an international scale meant that Arjuna EV UGM has been recognized for their hard work results. To win this award, the team needs to deliver a clear goal towards the needs of power and vehicle energy with compact battery arrangement and safety. The safety in the system is an important matter to highlight in a design that was made with the selection of materials, Battery Management System (BMS) integration, and good selection of electrical components.

Head of Arjuna EV UGM’s competition, Muhammad Raihan Hilmy had stated that the team’s goals upon participating for the second time in the competition is to gain more experiences and knowledges as well as feedbacks from the judges in order to prepare next year’s team and the concept design of the car.

The fifth annual competition that has been held by Curiosum Tech Private Limited under the name of Formula Bharat India aims to give international students an opportunity to concept and design Formula Student Electric Vehicle Powertrain as well as assess the team’s knowledge regarding managing systems in the electric vehicle industry. This year the competition was held in six different categories which are Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Report, Procurement Strategy Report, Team Management Report, Software Integration Report, Design Specification Sheet Report (DSS), and Engineering Design Presentation (EDP).

Before the COVID-19 pandemic emergence, Arjuna EV UGM were initially active to participate in the annual Japan Formula Society Automotive Engineer (FSAE) that was held on an international scale in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. However, due to the unprecedented pandemic that is still running havoc this year, Formula SAE Japan did not accept any international participant and made the competition exclusive for national participants in Japan. Although Arjuna EV UGM could not compete in Formula SAE Japan again this year, such things did not hinder the team’s spirit and motivation to keep on learning and innovating.

“This has proven that the young generation of Indonesia could participate in the development of the civilized world’s electric car”, said the current captain of Arjuna EV UGM’s 9th generation, Inherenta Muhammad Amarutsli. On top of that, Inherenta had also stated that Arjuna Electric Vehicle UGM has a vision to become the best research-based electric car team especially in Asia as a form of contribution in Indonesia’s environmentally friendly electric car development. Other than that, Arjuna EV UGM’s active evaluation has become one of the important activities in order for the team to create improvements in the future’s electric car development.


Sponsored by PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM), PT Sumber Segara Primadaya (S2P), PT Sinergi Laksana Bara Mas, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, PT Justus Kimiaraya, PT Indonesia Steel Tube Works (ISTW), Würth Elektronik


For further information regarding Arjuna Electric Vehicle Team UGM could be accessed in


Instagram :arjunaugm

YouTube: Arjuna EV UGM


Call:  +6282178799106 (Inherenta Muhammad Amarutsli)

UGM Inaugurates New Professor of Industrial Engineering

Congratulations and Best Wishes for Professor of Industrial Engineering FT UGM’s Inauguration

Prof. Ir. Alva Edy Tontowi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.

The speech’s topic is “Building an effective industrial innovation ecosystem for the strengthening of Indonesia’s industrial sovereignty,” and it will be delivered on Thursday, August 19, 2021.

Speeches can be listened to in

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada 2021/2022

The Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada welcomes all individuals who wish to improve their thinking skills, conduct research, and increase their knowledge and self-development in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

This Masters and Doctoral Program has been accredited A by BAN-PT and offers five areas of study concentration, including:
– Energy conversion,
– Engineering materials,
– applied mechanics,
– Manufacturing, and
– Medical equipment engineering.

By becoming part of us, students will pursue further education in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a conducive academic atmosphere and multi-disciplinary research, supported by world-class facilities. This program is designed to deliver Masters and Doctoral Study Program students to graduate by making a real contribution in the field of mechanical engineering in their career development. Grab this excellent opportunity to improve competence and work more broadly with the academic community of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Online registration and other information can be accessed via the site

As for the Postgraduate Program registration schedule as follows:
1st Batch: 16 April -17 May 2021
Batch II: 31 May – 21 June 2021

Check out our profile video:


Bagi mahasiswa yang telah yudisium dan belum wisuda atau mendapat ijazah, silahkan untuk mendaftar wisuda atau menyerahkan persyaratan wisuda untuk mendapatkan ijazah segera. Pendaftaran terdekat dibuka pada bulan Desember 2020 (pelaksanaan wisuda bulan Januari 2020).

Apabila dari rekan2 tetap menghendaki wisuda secara luring, insya Allah akan diadakan setelah pandemi mereda (hanya mendapatkan tempat ijazah kosong sebagai simbol karena ijazah sudah diterima terlebih dahulu).

NB: Yang harus diketahui untuk mendapatkan ijazah walaupun tidak ikut wisuda tetap mengurus semua syarat wisuda.
Terima kasih.