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Graduation Ceremony Mechanical Engineering

Every journey must come to an end. Same with college, every effort we did will become sweet or bitter depends on how much we sacrifice. The end of college is when we are graduated and in February 2017 there werre 60 graduates from mechanical engineering UGM, 27 of them graduate with cumlaude.

For this graduation ceremony, Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin (KMTM) UGM was doing a parade for the graduates as a form of ceremony over a successful graduation which also had became their tradition. The parade start on the south staircase of Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP), the graduates were welcomed by a rousing cheers and greetings from the member of KMTM UGM. There was something special in this period of graduation and that is the theme of mechanical kingdom. Students from mechanical engineering UGM year 2016 wearing an attribute as if they were a soldiers who welcome their king. The greeting on the south staircase of GSP was closed by a group photo between member of KMTM and the graduates. After that, the graduates were paraded to KMTM.

The next schedule was greeting the graduates in KMTM secretariat, more precisely in the basketball court. This schedule was filled by greetings from Mr. Ryan Wiratama as the head of KMTM for 2017 period and Mr. Fadhli Akbar as the graduates representative and the head of KMTM for 2015 period. Mr. Ryan Wiratama delivered congratulations on the graduation of colleagues of mechanical engineering UGM and when the graduates want to go to KM, member of KMTM will always be ready to welcome because KMTM is our home and our family. Next is greeting from Mr. Fadhli Akbar that asked the students to improve their achievement as a mechanical engineering student and as a member of KMTM and prayed for all students and graduates ease for their business. Last, the event ended with a feast.

(Writter: MMA)

(Translator : DPA)

Sharing with Mechanical Engineering Class of ’77

Situated in Assembly Room 1, was held Sharing Session with Mechanical Engineering class of ’77 that gave the opportunity for the class of ’77 to share their experiences with current students of Mechanical Engineering.

Held from 8.00-11.30 a.m., the event was opened by greetings from the MC and continued with the representative of ME class of ’77, mr. Suhanan as one of the lecturers of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Departement of Universitas Gadjah Mada, and followed by another greeting by mr. Fauzun as Secretary of Mechanical Engineering study program.

After the greetings, each representative of SERUNI entered the sharing session which is the main event and was moderated by Prof. Harwin Septoadi, with three main topics: oil & gas, manufacture and managerial. The alumni of year ’77 explains the benefits of non-curricular activities, application of studies in working life, the specialities of study in work life, how to deal with work competition later in life and the cruciality of teamwork between engineers and non engineers and the need of each other. the sharing session then continues with question and answer session by three enthusiastic participants, and after all the questions has been answered, thus ended the SERUNI with a word or two by the Head of Departement of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. M. Noer Ilman. With this event, we hoped that all that was shared by the ’77 alumni can be beneficial to all participants.

(Writter : LG)
(Translator : RDW)

Handover Ceremony of KMTM and HMTI

Handover of the management of Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin (KMTM) and Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri (HMTI) UGM was handed over from 2016 management year to 2017 management year. This event was attended by representatives from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Prof. Noer Ilman, Mr. Sugiyono, Mr. Kusmono, Mr. Budi Hartono, KMTM or HMTI daily management in 2016 or 2017, and representatives from KM / HM throughout Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University.

At first, this event was opened by singing the song of Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada as a form of nationalism and pride of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University. After that, proceeded the speech from the chairman of KMTM and HMTI from the previous period. Then the main event was the readings of KMTM and HMTI management oath. The reading of this oath, at the same time, was the inauguration of KMTM and HMTI management.

This handover ceremony was then continued by the welcome of KMTM 2017 chairman by Ryan Wiratama and the welcome of HMTI 2017 chairman by Bonifatius Bramantya W. The last remarks were from Prof. Noer Ilman who is thankful for the achievements KMTM and HTMI 2016 have given and emphasized the importance of improving the softskill, academic and rules in DTMI so that students always obey. After the remarks from Mr. Prof. Noer Ilman, the event then followed by the signing ceremony and cutting tumpeng, and as closing the series of ceremonial handover ceremony was recited prayer.

Here is a list of KMTM UGM daily management:

Chairman                                                                                             : Ryan Wiratama Bhaskara

Vice Chairman                                                                                    : Thomas Tri Hari Prihantoro

1st Secretary                                                                                         : Sidiqi Saras Utami

2nd Secretary                                                                                       : Dhika Dixiana

1st Treasurer                                                                                        : Billy Antori Putra

2nd Treasurer                                                                                       : Herawati Dyah Prasetyorini

Head of DomesticityDepartment                                                    : Nanda Dhiyan Maulana

Head of Student Affairs Department                                             : Laksatya Wirawan

Head of Academic Division                                                              : Ivan Chaijaya

Head of HRD Department                                                               : Adrianus Prabowo Guritno

Head of Competition Division                                                        : Eduardus Galih Putranto

Head of Public Relations Department                                          : Anindityo Agung Baskoro

Head of Internal Public Relations Division                                 : Muhammad Faishal Fakhri W.

Head of External Public Relations Division                                : Labib Alif Ichsanuddin

Head of Alumni Public Relations Division                                  : Rahman Adi Nugroho

Head of Infotek Department                                      : Praberta Ardi Wibowo

Head of Propulsi Division                                           : Muhamad Miftahul Azhar

Head of MECC Division                                              : Irfan Naufal Prakasita

Head of MEEC Division                                              : Ambrosius Hario Sudono Putranto

Head of KWU Department                                         : Kahfiendra Nugrahasatya

Head of Interest and Talent Department              : Arinta Budhi Nugraha

Head of PAKSIMA Division                                     : Mukti Nugraha

Head of PALAMEGA Division                                 : Farakhan Sibli B

Head of Sports Division                                            : Dimas Bayu Saputra

Head of Music Room Division                                 : Miaga Setyawan

Head of Supporter Mesin UGM Division              : Ahmad Kholid Kartiyoso

Silver Reunion was Held For The Members of The Mechanical Engineering Batch 1991

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Yogyakarta – Located on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department of Gadjah Mada University, a silver reunion was held for the members of the Mechanical Engineering batch 1991. Present at that reunion was the department lecturers, members of the class of 1991 and also some of the members of KMTM (Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin).  The event started at 11.30 AM and ended at 03.00 PM.

In the beginning of the event, Mr. Akmal Irfan Majid as the master of ceremony gave a warm welcome speech, following then was a greeting by the head of Mechanical And Industrial Engineering Department, Prof. Noer Ilman. Because of this event was held on Friday, and coincided with Friday Prayer, there was no activity until 13.00.

After 13.00, the silver reunion was resumed with a speech from Mr. Rachmat Sriwijaya who gave a report of UGM Mechanical Engineering achievements, either in national competition or international competition to the member of the class ‘91 . Mr. Rachmat Sriwijaya also asked full support and prayer from them in hope the department would keep improving and become greater from time to time. And then Mr. Mulyanto Hakim, the representative from Mechanical Engineering batch 1991, also gave a welcome speech. In his speech, he was explaining a lot of profession that the member of the class had been working on, and showed thankfulness to the department. After Mr. Mulyanto speech, the event was continued with introduction between the members of the class ’91 who was attending which took place on the department 1st meeting room. And the one who was giving the last speech was Mr. Subagyo, a senior mechanical engineering lecturer. He said thanks and showed gratitude to all members of the class of 1991 who still deigned to visit their alma mater and also informed that mechanical engineering achievement nowadays was so great and still had a big room of improvement. At the end of the event, Thomas Tri Prihantoro, as KMTM’s secretary general, displayed and explained a presentation containing the structure of organization and series of activities that KMTM tried to realize in this period. After that, the silver reunion activities were advanced to Griya Persada Kaliurang.

(Translator : AHS)[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_4″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” padding=”” dimension_margin=”undefined” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no”][fusion_title margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” size=”3″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”#ffc107″]


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