In total of 979 postgraduate students were granted the degree of Master by the rector of UGM on Wednesday (26/1). Wisuda Program Pascasarjana Periode II Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM was attended by 125 graduates onsite along with their families and 854 graduates online.
In this period’s graduation ceremony, the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has granted the degree of Master for 29 graduates which consists of 20 graduates of Mechanical Engineering Master Program and 9 graduates of Industrial Engineering Master Program. The highest GPA was achieved by Mechanical Engineering Master Program graduate Andhika Satria Pratama with 3,98 GPA and Industrial Engineering Master Program graduate Rian Febrianto with 3,93 GPA.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., stated that today’s graduates had become a part of UGM alumni in a unique way, since most of the studying activities and graduation process were done in the midst of the pandemic. He also delivered a message to all of the graduates for never stop learning, especially in the midst of this hyper-changing era. Therefore, UGM graduates are expected to continue developing and becoming the best version of themselves in the midst of nowadays’ competition. The current condition provides the right momentum for the younger generations to show their potential and to provide concrete solutions for various problems faced by both the nation and the world, meaning that UGM graduates are also expected to be able to take part in both efforts to overcome the pandemic and to bring Indonesia to move in a faster pace and compete on the world stage.
(reported from ugm.ac.id)
PR of DTMI | January 2022
Postgraduate Program 2022 Graduation Ceremony Youtube Video