Process And Production System Laboratory

This laboratory is a laboratory that facilitates students to support learning activities related to production systems, production processes, factory layout planning, production planning and control of industrial transportation equipment. The equipment contained in this laboratory includes CNC machines, lathes, milling machines, and integrated systems (robots). In addition, a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) unit is also provided that combines the work of a CNC lathe and a CNC milling machine with the help of a robot. The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM, is entrusted with managing the training center for CNC and CAD-CAM machines, which are produced by EMCOAUSTRIA for academic staff and laboratory assistants from universities throughout Indonesia. In addition, the CNC machines in this laboratory are also used for collaborative work, including with PT. Petro Kimia Gresik (manufacture of turbine blades), PJKA (manufacture of locomotive components), PT. Garuda Indonesia (DC-9 component manufacture), PT. New Armada, and PT. IPTN (manufacture of specimens for fatigue crack and fracture testing).