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[restab title="Undergraduate Program" active="active"]

Selection Paths of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program UGM for entrance year 2017/2018

  1. National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN)
    SNMPTN 2017 is a national selection pattern based on academic achievement score using semester score of 1 (one) up to semester 5 (five) for Senior High School/Vocational School (SMA / MA / SMK) with study period of 3 (three) years or semester 1 (one) up to semester 7 (seven) for Vocational School with 4 (four) years study period, and Academic Portfolio.
  2. Joint Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN)
    SBMPTN 2017 is a joint selection conducted by all state universities under the coordination of the Central Committee with a selection based on the written test results in print (PBT) or using a computer (CBT).
  3. Achievement Path Selection
    This selection path is held as a form of UGM concern to students with high academic ability but not economically able.
  4. U.A. UGM Write Exam Selection
    This selection path is UGM entry selection using a written exam pattern organized by UGM.

More info about admission, please visit


[restab title="Master Program"]

  1. Master Program in Mechanical Engineering (Master of Engineering – M.Eng.)
  2. Master Program in Industrial Engineering (Master of Science – M.Sc.)

Requirements for Master Program in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering Program are listed as follows:

Applicants who meet the requirements below may apply to become participants of the master's program in the same field of study with their undergraduate study or other subject areas approved by the Study Program Manager:

  1. Have recent color photographs with white background, formal dress with face facing camera.
  2. Have a diploma degree or DIV (particular study program, contact the Study Program for more information), or copy of diploma that has been legalized.
  3. Certificate of Graduate (SKL) is not applicable.
  4. Special applicants of foreign graduates must have a diploma equivalency document from DIKTI.
  5. Having transcripts of original value or copy of transcript of legalized value, with GPA S1 as follows:
  • ≥ 2.50 on a scale of 4 or equivalent, for a graduate of an accredited A study program, or;
  • ≥ 2.75 on a scale of 4 or equivalent, for graduates of accredited B study program, or;
  • ≥ 3.00 on a scale of 4 or equivalent, for graduates of accredited C study program.
  1. Have certificate of accreditation of study program at the last education level. Accreditation of study program in question is accreditation this time and proven by scanned accreditation certificate or accreditation print screen from BAN-PT page that is still valid. Study Program whose accreditation is in the process of extension, evidenced by the receipt of submission of accreditation form to DIKTI. Especially for foreign graduate applicants, the accreditation proof is the Letter of Decision of Foreign Diploma Degree from DIKTI. If the accreditation document is invalid, it will not be processed further.
  2. Having certificate of Academic Potential Test (BAPPENAS) Test Result or UGM Academic Potential Test (PAPs) or Basic Psychology Ability Test of Indonesia (TKDA HIMPSI) is proved by valid certificate, maximum 2 years after the date of issuance of certificate;
  3. Having certificate of English proficiency test result proved by valid certificate, maximum 2 years after the date of issuance of certificate. The value of English proficiency and certificates that can be used are:
  • Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) from UGM, or;
  • International English Testing System (IELTS) from an institution recognized by IDP, or;
  • Internet-Based (iBT) TOEFL from an institution recognized by IIEF, or;
  • Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TOEFL from an institution recognized by IIEF.
  • Test of English Proficiency (TOEP) from the DIKTI-accredited Indonesia Test Service Center (PLTI) for Lecturers certification.
  1. Having a Letter of Recommendation from 2 (two) lecturers concerned at the time of previous lecture, preferably a lecturer of Academic Advisor (template can be downloaded here).
  2. Having a Health Certificate from a doctor at the Puskesmas or Hospital.
  3. Having special requirements:
  • Projected wishes of candidates in the graduate program that contains the reasons, expectations, plans of research topics, and plans after college (format can be downloaded here)
  • The research proposal of the thesis / essay writing / other special requirements required by the study program does not need to be uploaded but sent directly to the purpose study program completed with a photocopy of the list proof.
  • Have a study permit from the agency for those already working (the format can be downloaded here)


Terdapat beberapa perbedaan syarat pendaftaran untuk Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin dengan syarat Umum Pendaftaran Program Studi yang lain, yaitu pada nomor 5 dan 6. Berikut penjelasan dari syarat pendaftaran untuk Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin:

  • Pendaftar yang memenuhi persyaratan dapat melamar untuk menjadi peserta program magister dalam bidang studi yang sama dengan bidang studi kesarjanaannya (dalam hal ini Prodi Magister Teknik Mesin belum menerima calon mahasiswa yang bergelar Sarjana Pendidikan) atau bidang studi lain yang disetujui oleh Pengelola Program Studi.
1.Mempunyai Pas foto berwarna terbaru dengan latar belakang berwarna putih, berpakaian formal dengan wajah menghadap kamera.

Mempunyai ijazah S1 atau DIV (khusus prodi tertentu; hubungi Program Studi untuk informasi lebih lanjut), atau foto copy ijazah yang telah dilegalisir.

  1. Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL) tidak berlaku.
  2. Khusus pendaftar lulusan luar negeri harus mempunyai dokumen penyetaraan ijazah dari DIKTI.

Mempunyai transkrip nilai asli atau foto copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir, dengan IPK S1 sebagai berikut:

  1. ≥ 2,50 dalam skala 4 atau setara, untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi A, atau;
  2. ≥ 2,75 dalam skala 4 atau setara, untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi B, atau;
  3. ≥ 3,00 dalam skala 4 atau setara, untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi C.
4.Mempunyai sertifikat akreditasi program studi pada jenjang pendidikan terakhir. Akreditasi program studi yang dimaksud adalah akreditasi saat inidan dibuktikan dengan scan sertifikat akreditasi atau print screen akreditasi dari laman BAN-PT yang masih berlaku. Program Studi yang akreditasinya sedang dalam proses perpanjangan, dibuktikan dengan tanda terima penyerahan borang akreditasi ke DIKTI. Khusus pelamar lulusan luar negeri, bukti akreditasinya adalah Surat Keputusan Penyataraan Ijazah Luar Negeri dari DIKTI.
Apabila dokumen akreditasinya tidak valid, maka tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.
Sertifikat hasil tes potensi akademik yang masih berlaku (maksimum 2 tahun dari tanggal dikeluarkannya sertifikat). Panitia hanya menerima hasil tes potensi akademik:
JenisSkor MinimalKeterangan
Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) BAPPENAS*

*) Khusus semester Gasal TA 2019/2020 (masa transisi), pendaftar yang telah mempunyai sertifikat tersebut dapat menggunakannya untuk mendaftar.

Sertifikat hasil tes kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang masih berlaku (maksimum 2 tahun dari tanggal dikeluarkannya sertifikat). Panitia hanya menerima hasil tes kemampuan Bahasa Inggris:
JenisSkor MinimalKeterangan
International English Testing System (IELTS)*4.0
Internet-Based (iBT) TOEFL*
Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TOEFL*

*) Khusus semester Gasal TA 2019/2020 (masa transisi), pendaftar yang telah mempunyai sertifikat tersebut dapat menggunakannya untuk mendaftar.

 Mempunyai Surat Rekomendasi dari 2 (dua) orang dosen yang bersangkutan pada waktu kuliah jenjang sebelumnya, diutamakan dosen Pembimbing Akademik (format dapat diunduh disini).
8.Mempunyai Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter di Puskesmas atau Rumah Sakit.

Mempunyai syarat khusus:

  1. Proyeksi keinginan calon dalam mengikuti program pascasarjana yang berisi alasan, harapan, rencana topik penelitian, dan rencana setelah selesai kuliah (format dapat diunduh disini)
  2. Proposal penelitian tesis/tulisan essai/syarat khusus lainnya yang dipersyaratkan oleh program studi tidak perlu diunggah tetapi dikirim langsung ke program studi tujuan dilengkapi dengan fotokopi bukti daftar.
10.Mempunyai Surat ijin studi dari instansi bagi yang sudah bekerja (format dapat diunduh disini)

More info about admission, please visit




[restab title="Doctoral Program"]

Recruitment Policy of New Student Candidate

Academic Terms

  1. A graduate of a S2 degree program with a minimum IP of 3.25 or IP 3.00 with 3 scientific papers published in scientific magazines, quality books, or with other considerations of the course;
  2. Graduates of S2 education programs are not in a field with a minimum of 3.5 or 3.25 IP plus 3 relevant scientific papers, published in scientific magazines, quality books, or with other considerations of the study program;
  3. Graduates of Bachelor (S1) Programs have the highest-predicated degrees (Cum Laude level), or have had scientific research results published in scientific magazines or quality books;
  4. The same field of study with a field of study S1 and / or S2 or another field of study approved by the study program. Understanding a plot is determined in the course meeting.
  5. Applicants must have language skills including an adequate source language. Applicants have English mastery with TOEFL score of at least 500 at time of application.
  6. Administrative Conditions
  • Proof of registration payment as an applicant;
  • Photocopy of diploma (S1, S2) and academic transcripts that have been ratified;
  • Curriculum vitae and employment history;
  • Name of candidate for the desired / who has been contacted;
  • Letter of permission from superiors (for candidates already working);
  • Certificate of guarantee of tuition fee;
  • Health certificate from doctor;
  • Letters of recommendation from 2 persons / parties who know the academic ability of the candidate (former supervisor, former lecturer, or superior);
  1. The draft of each research proposal is 8 copies;
  2. For applicants who already have a TOEFL score of 500 from PPB UGM or ITP-TOEFL by institutions appointed by The Indonesian International Education Foundation and TPA 550 issued by Bappenas, Puspendik Litbang Diknas and UGM can be attached, while for applicants who have no TPA value and TOEFL or below the above values are required to take the test.
  3. Applicants of BPPS attach Form A, B, C, D, E, and F with completed photocopy;
  • Karpeg / NIK for Civil Servants / Employees
  • Decree as civil servant
  • Lecturer Degree
  • All requirements are made in 2 copies;

Attachment form can be downloaded from

Envelope Stamped and written applicant's address. Application sent / submitted to:

Graduate Program Administration

Directorate of Academic Administration

UGM Head Office, Lt. 1, South Wing,

Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281

More info about admission, please visit
